COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways including how we relate with other
people and with the world; and as we all know, tourism has been severely affected by
the pandemic worldwide. Today, there are many questions regarding would we travel
in the future? What will it be like to travel after the pandemic? Will it be safe to travel
once COVID-19 disappears? There is no doubt that the way we plan our trips is going
to change a lot, so if you are crazy about traveling and are wondering about these
questions, today´s blog is for you. In this post, we will answer the most important
question of all: What will it be like to travel after the pandemic?
1- Travel with greater security.
One of the priorities of travelers, once the pandemic allows us to move again, will be
to do it safely. Traveling in small groups with family or friends will be a trend. This way
of travel is already been referred to as "capsule trips" as new way to
reduce the risks of crowds or groups of people outside your close environment. This
will lead travelers to “move away” from staying in hotels and other large resorts and to
prioritize reservations in more private accommodations that favor social distancing,
such as tourist apartments or private rural houses.
Airplanes, trains, buses ... will also increase security, as one of the key factors will be
overcoming the mistrust of other passengers. Strict security protocols will be put in
place, such as traveling alone, constant use of facemasks, social distance in all places,
or rapid blood or temperature tests. Reducing the number of passengers in public
transportation to avoid crowds in transport will also be a popular measure, and there
is even the talk of the possibility of issuing an Immunity Passport for travelers around
the globe.

2- Increasing demand for rural destinations.
Until now, big cities like Madrid, Barcelona, London, Berlin… were the preferred
destination for travelers. The pandemic has come to change this, and by 2021, this
trend is expected to change, and rural destinations will be preferred. Rural villages,
mountains, and coastal towns will be the new “topmost” of tourism, offering that calm
and reserved tranquility that allows travelers to escape from crowds.

3- National tourism as the first option
It is estimated that after the reopening of travel, there will be a strong increase in
national tourism. The fear of traveling far due to a possible outbreak in the country,
the economic damage suffered by the population, or the possibility of becoming ill in a
foreign country are some of the reasons why the population will prefer to make
national trips. All governments worldwide are putting a lot of effort into promoting
their own national destinations as a way of supporting the economic reactivation of
the country.
4- Change of travel habits.
The change in travel habits is mainly driven by working remotely. Working from home
is already a reality in most countries and thus, it means that we can work basically
anytime and anywhere. These changes break away from traditional work and
vacation periods from the past allowing more flexibility for travel at any time of the
There is no doubt that the way we will travel in the future is going to change and that
safety and health conditions will be the priority in our list when planning our next
destination. But despite our current situation, Spaniards are not ready to give up
traveling and it is expected that by summer 2021 international mobility will be