
45 hours


What are you going to do?
Architecture is part of any country´s historical collective memory. Each site and monument constitute a silent testimony of its past, and when societies that give rise to them disappear, they become the living trace of the previous everyday life of its people.
This program will introduce students to the history of Spain, its culture, and architectural sites, paying specific attention to the construction and restoration of contemporary buildings, spaces, and areas in Madrid.
This course is designed for a general audience interested in architecture and design.
DURATION: 45 hours
Support Material in Spanish & English
Basic information
Welcome to Our Virtual Space!
All our courses have our designed SPIOC format (Small Private International Online Courses) to facilitate the learning experience of faculty and students. This is our open space where you will not only get the information you need, you will also explore new worlds, interact with international students, enjoy unique cultural activities while gaining skills you will need to accelerate your career in the global world.

Digital Tools

Small Personalized Online Courses

International Students

Synchronous Classes

Business and Cultural Activities

Virtual Collaborative Project

How it Works
The program includes one 45-hour class and a 15-hour workshop in which students will work on an international collaborative project creating an adapted virtual portfolio on a topic of their choice.
The group is in direct contact with the coordination through an exclusive WhatsApp channel and has all the course materials uploaded in a private Google Class.
They will also use different technological apps, Kahoot, Slack, or Miró, to facilitate work and communication in the group work.
Classes are recorded and uploaded in the Google class to facilitate the student's participation.
Academic Program
The program includes one 45-hour class and a 15-hour workshop in which students will work on an international collaborative project creating an adapted virtual portfolio on a topic of their choice. Both courses will take place over one semester and students will meet in synchronic sessions through Zoom.

The Mexican writer and Nobel laureate in literature, Octavio Paz, affirmed that architecture is the incorruptible witness of history. One cannot speak of a great building without recognizing it as the witness of an era and its culture, society, and intentions. Each monument, building, or site constitutes a silent testimony of the everyday life of its people. In this program, we will study the intricate relationship between architecture, history, and design, through the magnificent buildings and sites in Spain.

As part of the course, students will create a digital/virtual collaborative project related to one of the sites studied in the class. The process of creativity, planning, and design will follow the Design Thinking Methodology. It will integrate both arts and technology in a digital/virtual project that can optimize the learning experience and make it more attractive to students and general audiences of all fields. Students will participate in the Design Thinking Training Workshop and present their projects at the end of the course.
Cultural Activities
As part of the course, we will offer you a complete program of virtual activities:
Round tables, interviews...
Forums with special guests, where you will meet young entrepreneurs and designers.
You will also enjoy magnificent visits to museums, Spanish folklore activities and an incredible flamenco show online.

Participate in an affordable international experience from the safety of home.
Stand out of the crowd! Enhance your resume with and an online international program and advance in your career.
Learn to communicate across cultures.
Work in an international team.
And then, if you want to complete the experience with an immersion trip in Madrid.
Immersion Experience
You can complete the course with an immersive experience in Madrid. The immersion programs, of two weeks duration, are developed in summer or January to be able to adjust to the academic calendar.
They are designed to put into introduce you to the world of architecture and design in Spain. You will meet your teachers, classmates, architects, restorers, or designers and visit many of the buildings and spaces studied.
Also, during your stay in Madrid, you can enjoy the rich artistic and historical tradition of the city, the magnificent museums, and the vibrant cultural life of the city.
If you want to know more about our programs
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